Fedor Malakhovich BORODENKO/Ulyyana BORODENKO

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Husband: Fedor Malakhovich BORODENKO

Born: 1877             at: Seletskoe, Belorussia  
Married:                  at:   
   Died: 1937             at: Urgun, Russia  
 Father:Malakh BORODENKO
 Mother:Sofyya BORODENKO
        Other Spouses: 

Wife: Ulyyana BORODENKO

Born:                  at: Seletskoe, Belorussia  
   Died:                  at: Seletskoe, Belorussia  
        Other Spouses: 


Name: Vasilisa Fedorovna GOVGOLENKO
   Born:                  at:   
Married:                  at:   
   Died:                  at:   
Spouses: Tikhon GOVGOLENKO  

Name: Timofey Fedorovich BORODENKO
   Born: 1905             at: Seletskoe, Belorussia  
Married:                  at:   
   Died: 1945             at: to perish on war  
Spouses: Alexandra Mikhaylovna BORODENKO  Elizaveta Grigoryevna BORODENKO  

Name: Mariya Fedorovna KONYKOVA
   Born:                  at:   
Married:                  at:   
   Died:                  at:   
Spouses: Vladimir KONYKOV  


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